Thursday, June 30, 2016

My 15 yr old highschool Reflects on Homeschool

Homeschool Year Reflection By Tiger Lilly my 15 years old, 11th Grade, Blended High Schooler and College student.

Overall, Tiger Lilly absolutely loves being homeschooled. She was taken out of school in the 6th grade and stated from that year on, that she was never going back to 'regular' school.

Also, now, at 15yrs old and a SOPHOMORE in COLLEGE she states she would never 'fit' into a typical high school scene again.

Tiger Lilly's interview.

Overall how to do feel about this past year of homeschooling?

Even though I had less classes overall, the college classes were harder since I really had to stay on schedule, do lots of reading and difficult computer programs.

 What subjects were your favorite?

My online artclass.

What would you like to change about your schedule?

Hard to say, I guess more time to play video games and do my art.  I want an in person Japanese teacher because taking it online I still wanted to practice speaking it.

How do you most like to learn? By Reading it? Watching Videos and notetaking? Workbooks? or Online with live teachers? Online Interactive? or Personal Private tutor?

I don't love Reading to learn, but I do it now since I don't have a choice for my college classes and am a fast reader. 
The videos are okay, I do get bored with them sometimes.
Workbooks, Don't have to do them anymore. Yay!
Online with live teachers It's easy and I like it since I can focus.
Online Interactive Don't have this as much with my classes, but I like it with Landry.
Personal Private tutors This has helped me tremendously with PreCalc and Java 2.

What do you want to change about your homeschool experience next year?

Nothing really, more hands on projects I guess. Some co-ops.

What are you most proud of about this year of homeschool?

Finishing all college courses with a 3.4 gpa.

Do you feel doing Workboxes still help you?

It still does, although all my books and work is basically online. I store some of my stuff in them.

Do you want mom to continue to provide weekly written schedules for you?

Yes, it helps.

How do you feel about Online college instead of IN PERSON classes? 

I get frustrated with my teachers online because they don't seem to actually want to teach. I have to be able to communicate well and often with them through email and chats.

I want to take IN PERSON for Japanese and some of my Game Design computer classes so I can do those with a group.

How do you feel about taking COLLEGE for DUAL ENROLLED classes?

I really like it. I am challenged and when I graduate from high school I will have a degree. I still want to take more IN PERSON art classes and gaming courses, but then when I turn 18yrs old I can get a job and have them pay for my next degree. I want to go to Japan.

What do you look forward to next year?

Building my own mobile game and selling it.

Mom's Point of View

Tiger Lilly was very adamant about what her career interest was. I helped her decide, but she has always loved Video Games, writing stories and art.

She and I now sit down often to evaluate if she is meeting all the criteria for what she wants to do. Because, we looked at job descriptions of current job openings we realized she needed to actually go through the process of creating her own games.

Ways to Get Student Feedback

Report Cards (1) From Student to Parent (2) From Parent to Student

Quarterly Discussion (1) Ask your child what is working for them, what isn't working, revise your plan.

Casual Conversations (1) Talk to your kids, not just about homeschooling, but about themselves, what they like.

Play with them (1) yes, play stupid, kid, goofy games with your kids to build learning, confidence and trust. I still play with this 15 yr old girl. I let her beat me in video games, we play cards, and I chase her around the house to tickle her. She thinks I am silly but I enjoy it too.

Bribe them, give them something for their input.


  1. Your daughter sounds so much like my daughter regarding the interests in Japan and video games. She sounds like a bright girl!

  2. Your daughter sounds so much like my daughter regarding the interests in Japan and video games. She sounds like a bright girl!

  3. This was so interesting! She sounds like a highly inteligent and motivated girl who knows where she wants to go in life :)

  4. This was so interesting! She sounds like a highly inteligent and motivated girl who knows where she wants to go in life :)

  5. Awesome blog!!
    It is really an appreciable thing for her parents that she is so dedicated to his learning. Great job girl!!! Motivation will always make her find the new path.
