Friday, October 14, 2022

Empowerment Retreat Hawaii July 16-18, 2023


This intimate retreat features workshops ranging from financial to spiritual health as experts provide participants with the practical tools for whole-body self care and progress. Workshops, speeches, and activities are aimed to empower guests mentally, financially, and physically to make self-directed changes to improve their life. From inside to outside, this retreat will present new perspectives and ideas to expand guests' mind and prepare them for their next steps towards success. The retreat's size is catered to provide guests with exclusive access to guest speakers and unique experiences to help rejuvenate spirits.

Hawaii will be your place of growth and the sea breeze will help you in the journey of discovery. You will see Hawaii's spirit of togetherness and ohana while venturing forth with your group at the Kroc Center in Kapolei. Guests will be able to join the group on a variety of add-on excursions (not included with general admission) for a chance to explore the island after a day full of self-improvement activities.

Not only will you be learning to build yourself up, but there will be talks on how to empower your community. Guests will be building up the community around them just from attending. A majority profits from the conference will be donated to Ho'ola Nau Pua, a local nonprofit which fights for the prevention of sex trafficking in Hawaii and provides care for children who have been exploited.

Sponsored by Phenomenal One Press

Opening Workshop based on best selling book

Conference Video

Link to find out more

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Homeschooling with Excellence Conference October 22nd to the 24th



If you're homeschooler, mark your calendars for 𝐎𝐜𝐭𝗼𝐛𝐞𝐫 22𝐧𝐝through the 24𝐭𝐡. Get ready to connect to mom's  and Dad's like yourself that value the homeschooling experience for their children.

We are excited to share some of the our speakers that will be pouring into you for our 2nd Annual Homeschooling with Excellence Event. Stay Tuned as we share more. 

We are currently seeking additional Speakers for our upcoming 2nd Annual Homeschooling with Excellence 3 Day Conference Event.

We are looking for Homeschoolers and Educators that are willing to share their expertise with Millions on our platforms and your services so that you can impact the world with good during a time when we need it the most.

Register for this event here for Free :
Would you like to be a speaker, advertiser, or sharing your expertise during this event❓
We will love to have you!

Speaker & Advertisement Sponsors Information Here:
Looking forward to showcasing you and your businesses at our 2nd Annual Homeschooling with Excellence event!

See you at the event!

Friday, August 13, 2021

Staring At A New School Year-To Homeschool or Not?

Summer Is Coming To An End - DECIDING TO HOMESCHOOL or NOT

This is a big decision many people have at the end of the homeschooling whether they have been homeschooling their children or their kids have been in public, private or alternative schools. Up until recently, many people didn't even have Homeschooling or Working While Homeschooling on their radar as an option. Now, many know that they have more options in customizing education for their kids than ever before.


You can decide to homeschool your child at any time of the year. You have the option to 'try' on traditional education, and decide that it's not for you, then take your child out to homeschool them.

However, if you plan on homeschooling your child first, then putting them back in traditional school, you may consider some of the hurdles with this option.

-Elementary School: There is an easier transition to elementary school if the child homeschools. They may give the child a placement test, then enroll them in their grade based on their age.

-Middle School: This is the grade range where special programs for gifted students, and students with interest that can easily migrate into like high school programs happen. The risk is that your child may not be eligible for some of those programs if you enroll them after 7th grade. However, you can request that your child get tested for those programs.

-High School: No homeschool credit will be acceptable at the High School level. So homeschooling your child for several grades, they will still have to finish 4 years of English and 3 years of Math (4 in some states) which may require summer school or doubling up on classes.


When you decide to homeschool and it's a new idea, don't rush to buy curriculum, jump into school and plan long lessons, schedule and days. Take a step back and talk to your child, find out how they like to learn, what they want to accomplish this school year, and what is their most difficult and rewarding subjects. Then test their skill to see if they have educational gaps, have a love language that works well for positive reinforcements, and socialization preferences.

Unschool them, by doing nothing specific with school work, but get them to a point where you are interacting with them on a fun, loving and bonding manner.

Then start their schooling with focusing on the following in the order below:

1) First quarter of school, work on filling the educational gaps in Math, Reading, Writing.

2) Second quarter of school: start your curriculum for the school year with four subjects, adding the additional subjects after a week or two.

3) BE FLEXIBLE, realize kids like us need breaks, gets bored, don't want to show up to work and need vacations.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Gap Year Ideas for High Schoolers


When my son finished college early, and he didn't know exactly what he wanted to do, we research and found different options for him. 

My research found these options:


Pre-College/College Age


Volunteer for the Year:

Service Year:

Generation Initiative:

Social Innovation:

Volunteer: GreenpeaceHabitat for HumanityThe Water Project






Travel Options: Consider options like Couchsurfingbackpackinghomestaysau pairingworkawayshouse sittingteaching English abroad, or crewing on a yacht to make your travels more affordable or help fund them.


Apprentice Programs: and

VentureAmerica (Learn to be a Venture Capitalist)

ReportAmerica -

TeachAbroad - and and

World Wide Organics:

Red Cross:

Accelerators like Y Combinator, the Thiel Fellowship, or Echoing Green.

Service Year Org:

AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)- Sponsored by the U.S. government offers 1 and some 2-year full-time community service programs providing a subsistence allowance, health insurance, loan deferment, and an educational voucher upon completion. Participants work in nonprofit or government organizations.

AmeriCorps*NCCC(National Civilian Community Corps)- A ten-month, full-time residential service program for men and women age 18 to 24. Members address education, public safety, and other issues, however, their first priority is improving the environment. AmeriCorps*NCCC promotes leadership and team building skills.

BAYAC AmeriCorpsA 10-month program. with a collaborative of over 30 community service organizations that serve youth and families in the San Francisco Bay Area. Members provide direct services to youth in the areas of tutoring, safe and structured after school activities, and health education.

City Year Youth Service Corps- For people ages 17 to 24 from diverse economic, racial, and geographical backgrounds a year of full-time service to communities. During the ten-month program corps members engage in a variety of activities to meet critical needs in their communities. Primarily focused on the education and development of youth, serving as mentors for children in partnership with public schools and organizing and running after-school programs and curricula on important social issues including domestic violence prevention, AIDS awareness, and diversity. City Year accepts applications during four cycles each year: Nov. 30, Feb. 15, April 15, and May 31. Programs in 16 locations around the U.S.  

Congressional Hunger Center- Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellows Program- Application deadline: January to begin the following August. A 12-month paid service and learning opportunity in direct service program development public policy related to hunger and poverty issues. Fellows work for 6 months with both urban and rural organizations involved in direct humanitarian efforts, e.g. food banks, local advocacy organizations and comprehensive empowerment programs. Then for 6 months in Washington, D.C. to process and evaluate field experiences and participate in placements with national nonprofits. Includes living allowance for the year and housing provided in the host community during the 6-month field placement. Leland International Hunger Fellows Program - trains emerging leaders in the fight to end hunger worldwide.

Public Allies Identifies talented young adults from diverse backgrounds and advances their leadership through a 10-month program of full-time, paid apprenticeships in nonprofit organizations, weekly leadership trainings, and team service projects. Public Allies operates in 10 communities and has more than 1,500 Alumni nationwide.

Public Interest Research Group2-year fellowships for recent grads interested in public interest advocacy and administration. Locations nationwide. Designed to develop leaders for the public interest movement. Offers a unique combination of mentorship, training, and hands-on advocacy and organizing experience. PIRG Fellows receive extensive classroom training conducted by national experts on public interest issues and strategies. Working side by side with experienced advocates and organizers Fellows function as adjunct advocates and organizers. Work may include lobbying, research and report writing, contact with the media, coalition organizing, and running grassroots citizen outreach campaigns.

Everett Public Service Internship ProgramFunds over 150 paid summer internships at progressive public service organizations in DC and NY. Each internship lasts ten weeks and provides $230 weekly for expenses. Listed on the Green America website.

Echoing Green Public Service FellowshipDuring their first two years, Fellows receive up to $90,000, participate in leadership development gatherings, and will access the powerful network of Echoing Green Fellows, partners, and friends (students or alumni within 10 years of graduation) who are emerging social innovators.  Fellowships  are awarded to individuals with innovative ideas for creating new models for tackling seemingly unsolvable social challenges. Areas: Global Fellowship, Black Male Achievement, Climate Fellowship.   



The White House Fellows ProgramSeeks outstanding people with substantive public service background and advanced degree, to serve for one year as full-time paid assistants to senior White House staff. Deadline February 1.

Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceIn Washington, D.C., a 12-month paid Junior Fellowship for graduating seniors. Substantive experience in foreign affairs.  Must be nominated by your university. Contact National Scholarship Director if interested. Deadline in November.

The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace FellowshipProvides 4 - 6 month paid fellowships on arms control research and/or advocacy at one of 20+ organizations in Washington, DC. Supported by a salary, the fellows serve as full-time junior staff members at the participating organization of their choice. The program also arranges meetings for the fellows with policy experts. Many former Scoville Fellows have gone on to pursue graduate degrees in international relations and related fields and taken prominent positions in the field of peace and security with public-interest organizations, the Federal Government, academia, and media.



Teach for AmericaA national corps of recent BA/BS level graduates who commit two years to teach in under-resourced urban and rural public schools and earn entry-level teacher’s salary. Included a 5-week summer training program.

New York City Teacher Fellowship ProgramFellows pursue teacher education through a subsidized Master's degree program and are placed in teaching positions with New York City Schools.



Environmental Careers Organization (ECO)Offers paid, short-term environmental positions nationwide for seniors, graduate students, and entry-level environmental job seekers.

Green Corps- Environmental Leadership Training ProgramTraining program in grass roots organizing for recent graduates. A paid, 13-month, full-time, field school for environmental organizing and activism. The program features classroom, fieldwork, and career placement components.

Student Conservation Association’s Resource Assistant Program- Provides room, board and travel allowance for 3-month environmental projects, primarily in national parks.

WWOOF- Willing Workers on Organic Farms- Connects volunteers with organic farmers both domestically and internationally. WWOOF has independent national level organizations. Volunteers learn organic farming techniques from organic farmers. By working and living with the host family, they also learn about life and culture in another country. In exchange for hospitality, meals and accommodations with host families, volunteers are expected to work at least six hours a day and six days per week.

National Association of Service and Conservation Corps Serves as an advocate and central reference point, and provider of training and technical assistance, for youth service and conservation corps programs across the country. Select “The Corps” then “Corps Jobs”


WEBSITES THAT ADVERTISE POST-GRADUATION ALTERNATIVE OPPORTUNITIES Are you looking for opportunities to work, travel, play, learn, help, create, experience and grow in the U.S. or worldwide? Short-Term Job Adventures is simply about discovering life's options and finding your place in the world (and that's real exciting stuff). So come explore, dream, discover and do! Opportunities include U.S., worldwide, wilderness, environmental, sustainable living, teaching, and volunteer positions.

Center for Social Concerns (sponsored by the University of Notre Dame)- List links to post-graduation opportunities in the following categories: domestic, international, teaching, secular.

Global Services CorpsGSC has been a leader in the field of international volunteerism designing and implementing effective community development volunteer service-learning programs in Africa and Asia since 1993. GSC community training and development programs are offered year round, from two weeks to one year, in HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, International Public Health, Cultural & Buddhist Immersion, Orphanage Care, and Teach English Abroad. Through the development of these community training programs, GSC has also attained NGO status and is a respected international development organization.

Habitat for HumanityProvides volunteer and full-time work positions like... Global Village Program: Help build decent, affordable housing around the world. U.S. Volunteer Program: Volunteer your skills at our international headquarters in Americus, Georgia. Gulf Recovery Effort: Join in continuing recovery efforts to help hurricane-affected families in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Alabama. Women Build: Learn construction skills alongside other women in an non-intimidating environment.International Volunteer Program: Spend 6 to 12 months volunteering in Habitat offices overseas. Habitat AmeriCorps/VISTA: Serve communities, earn stipends and educational awards through this residential service program. (specifically for one-year opportunities)- One of the largest job posting boards focused on opportunities in the nonprofit world, including full-time, part-time, volunteer, internships, etc.

Projects AbroadProjects Abroad is the leading volunteer abroad organization. We offer a diverse range of international service projects, plus the opportunity to become part of one of our volunteer communities abroad. Our continuous presence overseas and unparalleled in-country support from our international staff ensure that your experience will be far more worthwhile and genuine than those of the average tourist.

UMD National Scholarships Office- Aims to provide undergraduates with the best possible information, for guidance and support as they learn about and apply for national scholarships. We invite you to explore our website to learn more about national scholarship opportunities, and to contact us with any questions you may have. You can request an appointment or send us a question by email.

United PlanetAs an international non-profit organization,United Planet(UP) strives to create a world in which all people understand, respect, and support one another. United Planet's global network of leaders and volunteers fosters cross-cultural understanding and addresses shared challenges to unite the world in a community beyond borders.



Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Last Day of Early Bird Sales!

Yep, it’s the last day of the cheaper-priced tickets, which means this is a GREAT DAY to do a big promotional push! Please, we need everyone to do their absolute best to get the word out as much as you can today – newsletters/emails, social media, and so on. The more everyone pitches in to get the word out, the more folks we will have attend, and the more fun we will have at our virtual conference! So, if you could please send out that email, make that post on your social media, and so on, that would be great!


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Reluctant Homeschooling Parent

When I first started homeschooling my child, I didn't want to do it. That was over seven years ago, and fear kept me from pursuing one of the most rewarding accomplishments I have had as a parent. It's alright to not want to do something that doesn't feel comfortable. However, that shouldn't stop you from doing what has to be done anyway.


We all seem to strive for perfection within ourselves, but we need to give ourselves freedom to just be who we are without expectations. Once you stop trying to be like every other homeschooling parent you know or working parent you know, there will be a heavy burden of self imposed stress lifted. Don't just give yourself that pass of perfection, realize your kids feel the same way too. When they come home to homeschool, they experience many psychological and social changes that at their young age, they have no idea how to process.


Don't try to push tons of curriculums, schedules, work or more onto your plate or your child when you first start to homeschool. Spend the first weeks or months filling in any educational gaps, making learning fun, and getting to know your child on a level you may not have been able to before. By spending the time to get to know your child's moods, abilities and build a foundation in learning, you will gain confidence in homeschooling.


Managing homeschooling while working can be daunting. Stick to the core subjects, but make it a point to play with your child for all other subjects that have some flexibility. Giving yourself and your child a planned moment of rest will allow you to thrive in many ways. A thirty minute nap can make a huge difference in your attitude and your child's mood no matter how old.

TURN RELUCTANCE INTO SUCCESS by making it a point to stay in the negative head space that is hindering your success.